Action Teams

Implementing a plan takes the dedication and hard work of numerous people and organizations.  Direction 2030 would like to thank the following professionals and their organizations for helping to move the plan forward.

Rural Sub Area

Kenton County Fiscal Court

Commissioner Joe Nienaber
Commissioner Beth Sewell
John Stanton

Kenton County Agriculture Extension Office

Dan Allen

Telecommunications Board of Northern Kentucky

Tim Broering

Northern Kentucky Water District

Amy Kramer

Northern Kentucky Area Development District

Emily Carahan

Kenton County Conservation District

Marc Hult

Urban Sub Area

City of Covington

Mike Yeager
Rosie Santos
Bill Matteoli

City of Ludlow

Elishia Chamberlain

Center for Great Neighborhoods

Rachel Hastings

Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments

The Catalytic Fund

Jeanne Shroer

City of Bromley

KY 536 Land Use Study

University of Cincinnati School of Planning

Professor Mehta
Professor Kickert

Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC)

Nikki Boden

City of Independence and PDS Management Board

Chris Moriconi

Kenton County Fiscal Court

Commissioner Beth Sewell

Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments

Robin Bancroft

Independence Business Association

Mike Dominach

South Kenton County Working Group

Kathy Donohue
Bill Schneider

Home Builder’s Association of Northern Kentucky

Brian Miller