Direction 2030 Land Use Updates

Approved by KCPC on August 6, 2020


Draft map changes (revised 2-25-20)
Draft text changes
Draft interactive Recommended Land Use map

The Kenton County Fiscal Court met on February 25, 2020 to consider draft changes to Direction 2030 pertaining to Unincorporated Kenton County. At this meeting, the Fiscal Court revised an area in the southwestern portion of the county from Industrial and Mixed Use back to Agricultural and Rural Uses. This change resulted from continuing public input, investigation, and conversation of the Fiscal Court.

The Court approved Resolution 20-06, which recommends updates to Direction 2030, formally requests a KCPC public hearing to review changes, and requests formal approval of draft changes by KCPC. For more details on the 2019-2020 Unincorporated Kenton County Recommended Land Use Review project please click here.

Additionally, draft changes to the Mobility and Concept Map elements will also be reviewed and considered by KCPC. Details pertaining to those elements are linked below.

Concept Map
Draft Mobility text changes